Workshop netX90
DB Hotel, 10th January 2019, Verona
Location and contacts:
DB Hotel Verona
Via Aeroporto, 20/C
37066 Sommacampagna (VR)
For any details or questions:
Mobile phone: +393486779871
Workshop agenda:
Morning – registration at 9:00
Start of practical workshop abound 9:15/9:30
Topics of the Workshop:
- netX 90 Eco system – Use Cases, Introduction
- netX 90 Block Diagram, Features
- Boot Sequence, Firmware Update
- netX 90 application side programming
- Development Environment, netX STUDIO
- System and Peripherals
- Protocol stack (iDPM, packet interface)
- cifX API
Lunch brake: 13/13:30
- Hands On Session, Example Application *
*Si chiede cortesemente ai partecipanti di portare il proprio PC in quanto la sessione pratica, Hands ON, prevederà l’utilizzo individuale o in piccoli gruppi di evaluation board del netX90 e IDE netX Studio.
*Please, I kindly ask you to bring personal PC at the workshop. We will provide you netX90 evaluation board and the realtive IDE for the practical “hands-on” session.